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12/17/2002: this week's Buffy

(Spoilers for 7x10 Bring On the Night)

I get that the Neanderthal Vampire (sorry, I forgot the name) was supposed to come across as really strong, etc. but why the fuck didn't Buffy take an axe or some other weapon with her, when she went looking for the Slayer-candidate who conveniently ran off (also unarmed, after waiting with her get-away for the dark, basically acting like a headless chicken). That she didn't have a weapon when she searched the cave earlier, I can see how that might have happened, but later? That came across as dumb. Also, someone who writes these scripts recently has a real kink for Spike torture, and it's not that I dislike torture scenes as such, but those weren't the most interesting ones, though there were a few good moments in Spike's interaction with Not-Drusilla.

Posted by RatC @ 02:05 AM CET
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