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12/26/2003: brief holiday post

So far my Christmas has been fun, despite my cold. I felt a lot better today, except that I couldn't really talk during this morning. The closest I could come to speaking was a whispering croak, which made phone calls an exiting adventure in misunderstandings. *snerk*

But it's better now (despite being in a smoky environment most of the day), my voice is hoarse, but I can make intelligible sounds at almost normal volume.

Also I prepared that fabulous Lentil-Chestnut Roulade for which basingstoke posted the recipe on Thanksgiving, and it worked really well. It was easy to make and tasted great. And it seemed to work as a sidedish for goose as well. Anyway, thanks for sharing that recipe, basingstoke.

Another great thing: I got a DVD player for Christmas and can now watch DVDs and VCDs not just on my computer anymore. *bounce*

And now I have a ton of yuletide stories to look forward to, and I tonight and tomorrow I have time to read too.

Finally, on a more somber note, I want to remember my mom, who died five years ago early Christmas morning, when she was only 55 years old, and whom I still miss terribly.

Posted by RatC @ 12:47 AM CET
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