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10/09/2003: this week's Angel...

spoilers for Angel 5x02 Just Rewards...

My "Huh?" moment: Angel apparently turned into Bullseye (you know, the villain from Daredevil?). I mean, he kills that guy by throwing a spoon into his skull? And decapitates that other guy, the necromancer, by throwing a plate? I found that odd.

So far I like the Wolfram & Hart setting, it has serious moments but lots of quirky and funny ones as well, and I like that. I hope there is more to Gunn's transformation than just him knowing all the lawyer stuff, and I could have done without Harmony's return. On the whole I'm okay with Spike and the way the Angel/Spike interaction went so far. And am I the only one who thought it was kind of kinky when Spike described how he couldn't leave L.A. because the amulet yanked him back to Wolfram & Hart, and then says "I'm nobody's bloody property"?

Posted by RatC @ 05:48 PM CET
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