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10/06/2003: things that are (not) true

Okay, I broke down and did the meme after all, despite being such a boring person, that I can't even come up with truly amusing or outrageous stuff about me for it (well, except things that would probably be amusing for you but truly embarrassing for me, and I'm not about to do that). :/

One of these five things isn't true, guess the lie:
1. I used to do a semi-regular radio show about books.
2. One of my favorite dishes as a kid, i.e. until I became vegetarian as a teenager, was fried Grützwurst (a sausage made from groats, pig's blood, raisins, and probably a lot of other disgusting pig-based ingredients) served with sweet applesauce and mashed potatoes.
3. I was once threatened with a pocketknife by a classmate in elementary school.
4. I still have a notebook with some embarrassingly bad poems I wrote years ago.
5. I was offered to skip a year in high school twice, but refused because I liked the other people in my year and high school in general.

Posted by RatC @ 10:41 PM CET
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